Our Authors
We are proud to publish the foremost voices in high conflict disputes, divorce, co-parenting and parenting, workplace conflict, communication, mediation, anger management, advanced conflict resolution, trauma, borderline personality disorder, and other personality disorders.
Bill Eddy, LCSW, Esq. is the co-founder and Chief Innovation Officer of the High Conflict Institute in San Diego, California. He pioneered the High Conflict Personality Theory (HCP) and has become an expert on managing disputes involving people with high conflict personalities. He was the Senior Family Mediator at the National Conflict Resolution Center for 15 years, a Certified Family Law Specialist lawyer representing clients in family court for 15 years, and a licensed clinical social worker therapist with twelve years’ experience.
Megan Hunter, MBA, co-author of Dating Radar; co-author of The High-Conflict Co-Parenting Survival Guide; and author of Bait & Switch, is an expert on high-conflict disputes. She is CEO & co-founder of the High Conflict Institute, and publisher at Unhooked Media focusing on relationship and conflict revolution through print, digital and the spoken word. Megan is a frequent keynote speaker and educator of legal, workplace, and mental health professionals.
Annette T. Burns, JD, is co-author of BIFF for Co-Parent Communication. She is an attorney and a certified Family Law Specialist, practicing in Arizona. She is a past president of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts and is a Fellow of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers. She has served on every Arizona Supreme Court Committee that created, adopted and revised the Arizona Rules of Family Law Procedure since 2003. She has received many awards for service to community, the practice of law, and to children.
Vicki Carpel Miller, BSN, LMFT, is co-author of Second-Hand Shock and the Just Stop Series. She is co-founder of the Vicarious Trauma Institute, and the Collaborative Divorce Institute. She is an educator in the field of vicarious trauma, collaborative practice,in which she educates family lawyers, licensed mental health and financial professionals. Vicki is co-founder and past President of the Collaborative Divorce Professionals of Arizona and functions as a Divorce Coach, Child Specialist and/or Case Manager in Collaborative Divorce files.
Debra K. Carter, PhD, author of CoParenting After Divorce, is a licensed psychologist and recognized expert in parenting coordination. She is co-founder of the National Cooperative Parenting Center and founder of Carter Psychology Center. She is a frequent keynote speaker across the U.S., Italy, and Singapore and has worked with the Italian government to advance family law in that country.
Stephen Carter, PhD, author of Family Restructuring Therapy, is a Registered Psychologist in Canada where he works with children, adolescents and adults focusing on therapeutic interventions and assessments of families involved in high-conflict separation and divorce. His practice includes providing Family Restructuring Therapy to parents, including parent-child reunification therapy, along with Voice of the Child and Child Custody Assessments and providing litigation support. Steve provides training on family restructuring therapy and on the emotions of divorce.
Kevin Chafin, LPC, is co-author of BIFF for Co-Parent Communication. He is a Licensed Professional Counselor with more than 20 years' experience with the family and domestic Court systems and the Missouri Children’s Division. He has provided mediation and counseling services for more than 12 years, helping coparents with communication skills, ultimately helping their children.
Dr. Lowen Clarke, author of Sam the Tram’s Dance Club and inventor of Empowerment Script™, has a doctorate in therapeutic arts practice and is trained in clinical hypnotherapy. He has researched the social and psychological aspects of trauma for many years. He lives in Maryborough, Australia, and served on the National Trust W-class tram committee, which saved the Melbourne W-class tram fleet.
Georgi DiStefano, LCSW, co-author of It's All Your Fault at Work and New Ways for Work is a California-based, award-winning social worker who has served as a clinician, program director, trainer, and consultant throughout her career. She has worked as a trainer for NASW on alcohol/substance dependency and has been invited to speak on her work in the United States and abroad.
Benjamin Garber, PhD, author of Holding Tight/Letting Go, Roadmap to the Parenting Plan Worksheet and other titles, is a licensed psychologist, a former Guardian ad litem and a Parenting Coordinator. He is a nationally renowned speaker, researcher and an award-winning freelance journalist, and speaks in the U.S. and abroad on family law and healthy coparenting.
Todd Grande, PhD, is a professional counselor, counselor educator, and content creator who specializes in personality disorders, addiction, recovery from trauma, psychopathology, and assessment. He is a Licensed Professional Counselor of Mental Health (LPCMH) and Licensed Chemical Dependency Professional (LCDP) in the State of Delaware and is a National Certified Counselor (NCC).
Michèle Huff, JD, is a transactional lawyer who has negotiated on behalf of companies, including Oracle Corporation, Sun Microsystems, and Canal+, higher education institutions, including the University of California, Berkeley and University of New Mexico, and on behalf of hundreds of individual clients, including artists, authors, entrepreneurs, and engineers.
Ellie Izzo, PhD, LPC, co-author of Second-Hand Shock and the Just Stop Series is co-founder and core trainer with the Vicarious Trauma Institute and the Collaborative Divorce Institute. She is the creator of https://sentbeat.com/ an innovative app for enhancing emotional intelligence. Dr. Izzo developed the Rapid Advance Process, a standardized five-step model for building neural pathways to higher thinking to help victims of childhood trauma.
Lynne Kenney, PSYD, co-author of Bloom and author of Musical Thinking, is a mother of two and a practicing pediatric psychologist. She has advanced fellowship training in forensic psychology and developmental pediatric psychology from MA General Hospital/Harvard Medical School and Harbor-UCLA/UCLA Medical School. She speaks about enhancing executive function, social & academic skills with motor movement.
Rehana Jamal, JD, LL.M, co-author of BIFF for Lawyers and Law Offices, is a conflict resolution specialist, mediator, and lawyer. Rehana holds an LL.M. in dispute resolution from Pepperdine Law School, and a J.D. from Cardozo School of Law, .She has tremendous experience and passion working with people from different cultural, sociopolitical, and economic backgrounds from her experience living abroad.
Allan Koritzinsky, JD, co-author of Game Theory & the Transformation of Family Law, is a retired partner with Foley & Lardner LLP in Wisconsin. Mr. Koritzinsky focused his law practice on divorce law, alternative dispute resolution and has authored or co-authored numerous articles and books and lectured in lawyer and judicial continuing education seminars throughout his career.
Melanie Lane, MD, CPCC, author of The 9 Daily Habits of Healthy People, is director of Dr. Lane, Healthy Living Coach and ZING! Empowerment Coaching, where she coaches people struggling to achieve better health. She is a board-certified Family Physician who favors promoting wellness over treating illness. She received her Professional Co-Active Coach Certification from the prestigious Coaches Training Institute in San Rafael, CA in July of 2010.
Andrea LaRochelle, RFM, is a Registered Family Mediator with over fifteen years’ experience helping families through the challenges of separation and divorce. She is a trainer and speaker with the High Conflict Institute and serves on the board of the Alberta Family Mediation Society. She specializes in showing parents how to improve co-parenting communication and manage conflict more effectively, so their kids can focus on being kids.
Michael Lomax, JD, is a lawyer by profession, mediator, and an international speaker/trainer. He practiced family law for over 20 years and early in his career, ceased his court practice to focus on mediation and collaborative law. Michael has conducted hundreds of mediations including family, workplace, multi-party, and court related matters.
Jessica Nicely, author of All My Friends are Zeros, is a dedicated advocate for child abuse prevention, awareness and treatment. Jessica’s career in helping children spans over 17 years and includes her assistance of numerous charitable child abuse prevention organizations. She founded Winged Hope Family Advocacy Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to child abuse and domestic violence prevention, awareness and treatment.
Susie Rayner is a mediator, co-parenting coach and founder of Mediate Negotiate, a family dispute resolution practice in Australia. Prior to becoming a dedicated family dispute resolution practitioner and family coach in 2018, she held positions in the corporate arena for 20 years. She also works in other areas of dispute resolution and volunteers with organizations that support people in crisis, particularly the fires of 2019-2020 in Australia. Susie lives in Mentone, Victoria, Australia with her husband and her two teenage boys.
Shehrina Rooney is author of The Big Book on Borderline Personality Disorder. Her YouTube channel, Recovery Mum, where she provides info on BPD has 12,000+ subscribers. She co-founded BPDTribe.com in 2017. After struggling for more than half her life with fear of abandonment, self-hatred, anger, and addiction, she was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder at age 21. Through her recovery utilizing dialectical behavior therapy and 12-step meetings, she realized peer support could work for BPD. Today, she dedicates her life to encouraging others who face the same struggles.
Savannah J. Sanders, author of Sex Trafficking Prevention, is a leading advocate in the effort to stop child sex trafficking in the U.S. She is an expert consultant and educator in the field of human trafficking, and involved in several non-profit organizations, including Well Founded Hope, Mending the Soul, and a large network of survivor advocates. She speaks on the topic of human trafficking and sex trafficking prevention globally.
Donald Saposnek, PhD is co-author of Splitting America, a clinical-child psychologist, child custody mediator, and family therapist in private practice for over 40 years. He is a trainer of mediation and teacher of child development, Adjunct Professor at Pepperdine University School of Law's Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution and,is on the psychology faculty at the University of California at Santa Cruz.
Andrew Seubert, LMHC , NCC, is the co-founder of ClearPath Healing Arts Center on Seneca Lake in Burdett, N.Y. A licensed psychotherapist for 40 years, he has an extensive background in Existential-Gestalt Therapy and in music therapy, and provides EMDR consultation and training for clinicians. He is the senior editor of Trauma-informed Approaches to Eating Disorders (2018). Andrew specializes in working with trauma, post-traumatic stress, eating disorders and the integration of spirituality and psychotherapy.
Nadia Shahram, JD, practices matrimonial mediation in Buffalo, NY. Born in Tehran, she later was sent to Canada to finish high school where she developed a vision for her life that included moving to the United States, becoming an Iranian version of Barbara Walters, and then returning to her home country. Although she did eventually move to the States, the rest of her dream was interrupted by the 1979 Iranian revolution and the long war that followed.
Nicole Siqueiros-Stoutner, JD, is a family law attorney, mediator, and court-appointed Parenting Coordinator. She previously worked with Child Protective Services and a domestic violence shelter before transitioning to legal practice where she serves as a judge pro tem, Parenting Coordinator, and facilitates Alternative Dispute Resolution conferences and mediations.
Amanda L. Smith, LCSW, author of The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Wellness Planner and The Borderline Personality Disorder Wellness Planner for Families, is the founder of Hope for BPD where she provides treatment consultation and case management for clients around the world. She also publishes My Dialectical Life--a daily email dedicated to DBT skills. Amanda received her MSW at Baylor University and is a DBT therapist in Waco, Texas.
Laurel Starks, author of The House Matters in Divorce is a divorce real estate specialist. She speaks frequently on real estate and divorce issues to legal, collaborative divorce, and mediation organizations. A former host of the talk radio program Real Estate Matters, Starks also serves as an expert witness in real estate matters related to divorce cases. She was named on the prestigious list of Inman's Real Estate Influencers of 2017.
Kenneth Waldron, PhD, co-author of Game Theory & the Transformation of Family Law is a clinical psychologist in Monona, WI. Dr. Waldron has published research on topics related to children of divorce and provides training to judges, lawyers and mental health providers in the U.S. and internationally. He provides forensic services, including custody evaluations and expert testimony on divorce-related issues.
Wendy Young, LMSW, BCD, co-author of Bloom, is the mom of three, an award-winning child and family therapist and an Early Childhood Mental Health Consultant. She is Clinical Director of Comprehensive Counseling & Consulting. Her writing has appeared in magazines and featured in several books. She is recognized world-wide as a thought leader in early childhood and adolescent mental health.